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Natural Stone..Beauty, Naturalness and Elegance

The Elaboration of Natural Stone, an expression without limits..

The Work of Natural Stone, marble and granite, our reason for being

Cheymac Group is a leading business corporation born in Macael (Almería, Spain), an international benchmark in extraction, manufacturing and marketing of natural stone. Cheymac Group treasures 40 years of work, innovation and development in the marble and natural stone sector.

Projects of any Size

The size of your project is not a problem for us. We adapt our resources to your needs

Facilities and Machinery

Extensive Facilities and Machinery for the work of Natural Stone. Quality controls in all production processes

Fulfilled projects

The company is distinguished by the development of comprehensive projects of any size. According to customer specifications, natural stone is manufactured and transformed into decorative elements of elegance and beauty.

Hotel Ubeda 5*

It is a magnificent 5-star hotel, luxuriously decorated, which houses one of the main architectural treasures of Úbeda and Jaén.

Teatro Rafael Alberti

When a project demands careful work and designs that demand the best of Natural Stone processing

Ctap Macael

The Centro Tecnológico Avanzado de la Piedra is a private foundation promoted in 2002 by the Andalusian stone business sector


After more than 20 years of experience, Cheymac Group has worked with the best marble, travertine, onyx quarries,…so you can see our list of materials. Extensive, from all parts of the world and of all qualities.

Indio Green

Portuguese Rose

Roman travertine

Portoro Black


Poligono Industrial Rubira sola, Parc. 6 04867 Macael (Almería)

950 887224

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The commitment to good work and to translate all the ideas of our client, is the guide so that our know-how is reflected in all the production processes of the company. Our objective: the satisfaction of our customers.

José Diaz Padilla
